Music is the great unifier. It has forged some unshakable unions. It’s united friends and brought together lovers. It’s brought about the birth of children. It’s underscored times of great happiness and joy and has comforted in times of great pain and sorrow.
People might not listen to the same genres, or like the same bands, or express their love for it in the same way, but if you’re a music lover- you just get it. And if you find someone who shares your passion for the same music, it can forge a bond like no other.
Sometimes there is no right word to express how we are feeling, or what we are thinking. There isn't always a good way to make someone understand what you've been through, or what you're going through, or what you need. But music, music always gets its point across. The right melody, the right lyric, and it's all there, all laid out before you.
Music is a vessel. It’s a release. A connection maker. A spiritual enlightening. It gives you wings when you need to fly, and roots when you need to be grounded. It can make you feel an emotion, or for that matter every emotion, all in the duration of a 5 minute piece. Nothing bonds people quite like the love of music. This week we’ll be sharing some of the stories we heard and things people shared as we went out for an evening of musical enjoyment including the Philly based band Steal Your Face and talked to some of the people who were out for a night of musical enjoyment, including the band’s own Paul Baroli Jr.
As varied as the people we meet were, as different as their lives, their hopes, their worlds may be, music is a common denominator for them all. It draws people together and keeps them together.
Music is an instant uniter… a unifier.
**This week we explore the common thread of music...what will you contribute to the conversation? Tell us what music moves you!**